Okay, I'm sitting here when I should have gone for my run...But the air is full of yellow-green pollen and I couldn't imagine breathing it for thirty minutes. Lazy and clear is better than worked-out and congested, at least today it is.

SCALPING THE RED ROCKS is pulling in some great pre-publication reviews. I'm excited about its release. I'm making the final changes to the galleys, then the publisher will ship it off to the printer.
One thing we're trying over on http://www.greglilly.com/ -- a virtual book signing. Apparently, since I last used it, PayPal does not require you to have an account with $$ in it to use their on-line payment processing. Now, you can buy things with your credit card directly. That was a BIG hassle years ago when you bought something that needed payment via PayPal. I remember transferring money to PayPal, waiting for it to clear, then buying. Now, it's fast and easy. So, remember: PayPal will take credit cards without requiring a PayPal account... Wham, bam, thank you ma'am.
Got off target there. Back to the virtual book signing. At www.GregLilly.com/VirtualBookSigning.htm all three books (UNDER A COPPER MOON, DEVIL'S BRIDGE, FINGERING THE FAMILY JEWELS - A Derek Mason Mystery) are available to be personalized and shipped to you. Add your special requests in the "Add special instructions" field at checkout.

I'll try this virtual book signing to see how it shakes out. When the new Derek Mason Mystery -- SCALPING THE RED ROCKS debuts, I'll hit the road to do a few in-person signings. Let me know if you have a favorite book store in your area that I might visit.
Stay clear and pollen-free.
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